The Role of Alternative Investments in a Family Office Portfolio

The Role of Alternative Investments in a Family Office Portfolio

Alternative investments differ from traditional investments such as stocks, bonds, and cash. They include assets such as private equity, hedge funds, real estate, commodities, and collectibles, as well as strategies such as arbitrage, short selling, and leverage. Alternative investments can offer higher returns, lower correlation, and greater diversification than traditional investments, but they also entail higher risks, fees, and illiquidity. One of the reasons why alternative investments are different from traditional investments is that they often involve investing in private companies or markets that are not accessible or transparent to the general public.

Unlike public companies that are listed on stock exchanges and have to disclose their financial information and performance regularly, private companies or markets can operate with more flexibility and secrecy. This can create opportunities for alternative strategies that exploit market inefficiencies or anomalies, but it can also increase the uncertainty and complexity of alternative investments. Family office is a term that refers to a private wealth management firm that serves the needs of high-net-worth individuals and families.

Family office clients typically have complex and diverse financial goals, such as preserving and growing their wealth, transferring it to the next generation, and supporting their philanthropic causes. Family office clients also have access to a wide range of investments, both in the public and private markets. However, not all investments are suitable for all family office clients, as they have different preferences and expectations regarding their alternative investment strategies and degree of risk. Some family office clients may prefer more conservative or traditional strategies for income generation or capital preservation. In contrast, others may seek more aggressive or innovative strategies for capital appreciation or social impact.

Therefore, family office clients need to assess their risk tolerance, return potential, time horizon, and impact goal before choosing alternative investments. Alternative investments can play an essential role in a family office portfolio, as they can help family office clients achieve their investment objectives and optimize their portfolio performance. However, alternative investments also pose significant challenges for family office clients, requiring more research, due diligence, and monitoring than traditional investments. In this article, we will guide family office clients who want to incorporate alternative investments into their portfolios.

Categories of Alternative Investments

There are many types of alternative investments that family office clients can choose from, depending on their preferences and goals. Family office clients have access to a wide range of alternative investments, both in the public and private markets, that can offer different levels of risk and return.

Some of the main categories of alternative investments are:

Private Equity

This involves investing in the equity or debt of private companies that are not listed on public exchanges. Private equity investments can offer high returns and access to innovative and fast-growing businesses, but they also involve high risks and long-term commitments. Private equity investments can be made directly or through funds specializing in different stages or sectors of private companies, such as venture capital, growth capital, or buyout funds.

Hedge Funds

This involves investing in funds that employ alternative strategies to generate returns regardless of market conditions. Hedge funds can use various techniques such as arbitrage, short selling, leverage, derivatives, or quantitative analysis to exploit market inefficiencies or anomalies. Hedge funds can offer low correlation and downside protection, but they also involve high fees, volatility, and complexity.

Real Estate

This involves investing in physical properties such as land, buildings, or infrastructure that generate income or appreciation. Real estate investments can offer inflation protection and stable cash flow, but they also involve high costs, maintenance, and regulation. Real estate investments can be made directly or through funds or trusts that specialize in different types of properties or regions, such as residential, commercial, industrial, or agricultural properties or real estate investment trusts (REITs).


This involves investing in natural resources such as metals, energy, or agricultural products with intrinsic value or utility. Commodities investments can offer diversification and hedging against inflation or currency fluctuations, but they also involve high volatility and speculation. Commodities investments can be made directly or through funds or derivatives that track the prices of commodities or commodity indices.


This involves investing in tangible assets such as art, antiques, jewelry, wine, or coins with aesthetic or historical value. Collectibles investments can offer emotional satisfaction and capital appreciation, but they also involve high costs, storage, insurance, and authentication. Collectibles investments can be made directly or through funds or platforms that specialize in different types of collectibles or markets.

Each type of alternative investment has its advantages and disadvantages for family office clients. Family office clients need to consider their risk tolerance, return potential, time horizon, liquidity needs, and tax implications when choosing alternative investments. They also need to be aware of the regulatory and ethical standards that apply to their chosen type of alternative investment.

How to Incorporate Alternative Investments into a Family Office Portfolio

One of the main challenges of alternative investments is how to incorporate them into a family office portfolio in a way that enhances its performance and diversification. Unlike traditional investments, which can be quickly allocated and diversified using standard models and benchmarks, alternative investments require more customized and sophisticated approaches for portfolio construction and optimization.

Some of the frameworks and tools that can help family office clients incorporate alternative investments into their portfolios are:

The Efficient Frontier

This is a graphical representation of the optimal trade-off between risk and return for a given set of investments. The efficient frontier can help family office clients identify the optimal allocation of traditional and alternative investments that maximizes their expected return for a given level of risk or minimizes their risk for a given level of return.

The Sharpe Ratio

This is a measure of the excess return per unit of risk for an investment or a portfolio. The Sharpe ratio can help family office clients compare the performance of different investments or portfolios, considering their returns and risks. The higher the Sharpe ratio, the better the risk-adjusted performance.

The Black-Litterman Model

This is a model that combines the market equilibrium assumptions of the capital asset pricing model (CAPM) with the personal views and preferences of investors. The Black-Litterman model can help family office clients adjust their portfolio allocation based on their own beliefs and opinions about the expected returns and risks of different investments, as well as the degree of confidence they have in their views.

These frameworks and tools can provide guidance and best practices for incorporating alternative investments into a family office portfolio, but they are not prescriptive or definitive. Family office clients can adapt and modify them according to their needs and preferences. For example, some family office clients may prefer to invest in a private equity fund that focuses on venture capital. In contrast, others may opt for alternative funds that invest in various financial assets, such as hedge funds, real estate, or commodities. The choice of alternative investments depends on the family office client’s risk appetite, return expectation, time horizon, and impact goal.

The main principles for incorporating alternative investments into a family office portfolio are:


This means that family office clients should allocate their portfolios across different types of investments, both traditional and alternative, that have low or negative correlations with each other. This can help them to reduce their overall portfolio risk and enhance their return potential.


This means that family office clients should align their portfolio allocation with their investment objectives, such as wealth preservation, growth, income, or philanthropy. This can help them to achieve their financial goals and fulfill their personal values.


This means that family office clients should select the best alternative investments for their portfolio based on their quality, performance, and suitability. This can help them avoid low-quality or unsuitable alternative investments that may harm their portfolio performance or reputation.


This means that family office clients should monitor their portfolio performance and impact regularly, using appropriate metrics and indicators. This can help them to evaluate their portfolio results and make necessary adjustments or improvements.


Alternative investments are an essential and valuable component of a family office portfolio, as they can offer higher returns, lower correlation, and greater diversification than traditional investments. However, alternative investments also pose significant challenges for family office clients, requiring more research, due diligence, and monitoring than traditional investments. By understanding the different types of alternative investments, how to incorporate them into their portfolio, and how to select and monitor them, family office clients can take advantage of the opportunities and benefits that alternative investments offer. Wealth Venture Partners is a leading family office firm that specializes in alternative investments. We provide comprehensive and customized solutions for clients who want to incorporate alternative investments into their portfolios. If you want to learn more about our services and expertise in alternative investments, please contact us today.